#Abax Hit Counter v1.0, Copyright 2001 By Nathan Dickman, visit http://www.NathanDickman.com/
#This script may be freely distributed providing all copyright headers are kept intact
//Abax Hit Counter configuration//
$datafile="indxdata.dat"; //filename for counter datafile
$counterstyle = "image"; //enter text for text,image for images, or invisible for none
$textcountlength = 4; //length of counter in digits if using text option
$font = "Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif"; //font face style if using text counter
$fontsize = "2"; //font size if using text counter
$fontcolour = "#999999"; //font colour use html colour codes
$imagedirectory = "im/"; //directory or http location to images NOTE: use trailing slash
$imagesext = ".gif"; //file extension for images e.g. .gif .jpg .png
$initialvalue = 1;
if (!file_exists($datafile)) {
$file = fopen($datafile,"w+");
fwrite ($file,$initialvalue);
fclose ($file);
else {
$file = fopen($datafile,"r+");
$hitcount = fread($file,filesize($datafile));
fclose ($file);
$file = fopen($datafile,"w+");
fwrite ($file,$hitcount);
if ($counterstyle != "invisible") {
if ($counterstyle == "text") {
echo ""
else {
$longstr = strlen($hitcount);
for ($x=0; $x < $longstr; $x++) {
$image = substr($hitcount,$x,1);
echo "
The noise level in new location is so high due to Power
Electric Company Lines and to Metropolitan train. So this project will be paused
until to find a remote location with low level of noise. Mailing list will be
closed and any new situation will be announced here in this page.
Thank you for all of you that you follow us in this
project and we hope to have news soon for you.