The Electronic Circuit


The electronic circuit diagram can be seen on Picture 1 and Picture 2.  It consists of amplifying stages and electronic frequency filters.

Its first stage consists of the operational amplifier LT1128. The alternative voltage (in the 50Hz frequency) of the LT1128 Pin 6 should not exceed +-2V (in reference to ground); alternatively, we reduce the value of R1.  

The second stage is a filter “Notch” in the frequency of 50Hz and consists of two OP27.  

The three variable resistors of the filter are 20-turns “trimmers”, adjusted to the values specified on the diagram, before placed on the circuit. When the circuit is in operation measuring the magnetic field, the “trimmers” are readjusted micro metrically on the original values, in order to achieve the lowest AC voltage in the frequency of 50Hz, at the circuit output.  

From “trimmer’ R2, we should have 0 V DC at the circuit output, while from the “trimmer” of the output stage, we adjust the value of the output signal which we forward to the Line-In of our computer sound card.  

The capacitors C1, C2, C3, C4 are of “Silver mica” or “foil polystyrene” type in order to maintain stable capacity during temperature variations.  

All stable resistances are of “metal film” 1% type.

Having tested many different operational amplifiers combinations, I decided on the ones of the diagram since they offer lower noise levels and better overall performance on the specific circuit.